
Smartphone having more personal identity number ( PIN ) can be easily transferred . Smartaphonake secure , mobile banking , e - mail , e - commerce saitasaha pin a lot of us are used to . Being threatening , this pin can be transferred from the camera and microphone . Recently, the United States , a group of researchers at the University of Cambridge said.

The team of researchers pin the schema to create a program that uses the smartphone . Through the use of the program when the smartphone user picture makes it easy to zip through the smartphone microphone can be saved . Smartphone tacaskrine that the pin is provided with a microphone that can be saved . The signal can be transferred at a later time . Google Nexus S and Galaxy syamasanyera esathri about smartphones is the test .

Professor Ross Anderson and Simon larenta research team , said "We wanted to prove that the camera is actually doing the research and not just pictures tolai nothing more . In particular, there are four characters to successfully pin pin fifty percent of the eight characters are the achievements of  the sixty  percent . " It is the effect of study - there is anyone on camera , smartphone or tablet to take pictures , not the researchers suggested .

According to them , thus allowing the pin to be not good . I own a lot of information would be in the hands of researchers has warned . The smartphone security, allowing the pin easily , even if there is no risk of damage . However, in the same manner as if the problem could steal the PIN security analysts expected . So users should be careful .


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